How To Use Spaces in MyQuickCloud

reading time: 5 minutes

Updated on January 29, 2024

Secure access to files and folders with other users #

With MyQuickCloud, users have access to their dedicated private remote workspace, where they can store their own files and folders. This data is only accessible to them when stored in the usual user’s locations, such as on the remote Desktop, Documents, Downloads folders…

With spaces, multiple MyQuickCloud users can access the same folders and files on the server. 

For example, you can set up spaces (similar to a Windows shared folder) for Management, Sales, Bookkeepers… MyQuickCloud manages access to these spaces, and you can allow different users to access specific spaces.

When users have access to a space, they can view, edit, delete and create files and folders in that space. Users without access to the space will not be able to do any of the previous actions.

The steps below will show you how to use spaces in MyQuickCloud to grant access to files and folders to other users.

Create a MyQuickCloud space #

Overview #

Detailed steps #

  • Log in to your MyQuickCloud account as an admin user –
  • Click on Computers
  • Click on the server name you want to create a space in
  • Click on the edit icon , next to What spaces are available ?
  • Click on the ADD SPACE button
  • Choose a name for the new space
  • Once you choose a name for the space, click on the CREATE SPACE button

The new MyQuickCloud space has now been created on the server. No users have access to it yet, we will look at granting access in the following step.

Give access to a MyQuickCloud space #

Overview #

Detailed steps #


Before allowing a user to access any MyQuickCloud space, they must have already connected and opened their remote desktop. This is to create their MyWorkspace profile on the server, however they do not need to be connected while you grant them access to a space.

  • Log in to your MyQuickCloud account as an admin user –
  • Click on Computers
  • Click on the server name you want to create a space in
  • Click on the edit icon , next to What spaces are available ?
  • Click on the edit icon , next to the space you want to manage
  • The list of MyQuickCloud users will show. Click on the icon next to the corresponding user to allow access
  • Optional: repeat the previous step to grant access to other users 
  • Click on the UPDATE PERMISSIONS button to grant access

The selected users will now have access to the corresponding space. Next , we will show how to access spaces on the server.


only manage access to space via your MyQuickCloud account, to avoid permission issues

Access a MyQuickCloud space #

Overview #

Detailed steps #

In our example, we have 3 spaces: Management, Sales and Shared Bookkeepers. You can have as many spaces as you want. Follow the steps below to access your spaces, whose name will be different. All spaces are located on the server in C:\Users\Public\Documents\MyQuickCloud

  • Log in to your MyQuickCloud account –
  • Connect to your MyWorkspace 
  • In the remote desktop, open the Windows file explorer application (you can also access the spaces from within your remote applications, as you would any folder)
  • All MyQuickCloud spaces are located on the server in the folder C:\Users\Public\Documents\MyQuickCloud
  • Double click on the space you want to work in

Unable to access a MyQuickCloud space #

Overview #

Detailed steps #

If you’re unable to access a space or If you see a permission message (see above) when accessing a space, you either don’t have access or you were granted access while you were already connected or have a disconnected session on the server (i.e when you close MyQuickCloud but don’t log off on the remote server). 

Check with your MyQuickCloud admin user to make sure they gave you access to that space (see section “Give access to MyQuickCloud space” in this article). 

Once they confirm you have access, close all your applications and files, and log off the remote session. Once you connect again, you will be able to access the corresponding space.

Remove access to MyQuickCloud space #

Overview #

Detailed steps #

  • Log in to your MyQuickCloud account as an admin user –
  • Click on Computers
  • Click on the server name you want to create a space in
  • Click on the edit icon , next to What spaces are available ?
  • Click on the edit icon , next to space you want to manage
  • The list of MyQuickCloud users will show. Click on the icon next to the corresponding user to remove access
  • Optional: repeat the previous step to remove access to other users 
  • Click on the UPDATE PERMISSIONS button to grant access


Removing access to a space only takes effect once the user session is closed on the server – They need to close their remote session by logging off on the remote server. Alternatively, as an admin user, you can force them out by following the step “Logout session for another user” here

Once done, the corresponding user(s) will no longer be able to access that space – Any files or folders they had previously created will remain available.


only manage access to space via your MyQuickCloud account, to avoid permission issues

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