How To Print With MyQuickCloud

reading time: 1 minute

Updated on March 26, 2025

MyQuickCloud makes printing remotely easy, with the ability to print to both remotely and locally. Remote printers are those connected to the host computer (e.g. the office PC). Local printers are those connected locally to you (e.g. connected at home).

How To Print With MyQuickCloud #

How-to video #

Printing locally #

If you are in a MyQuickCloud session and want to print to a local printer connected to your local PC, choose the MyQuickCloud printer.

  1. In your application click Print (usually File > Print)
  2. Choose the MyQuickCloud printer, hit print
  3. A PDF is created and opened in a new tab or downloaded
  4. Click print on that PDF
  5. Choose your local printer, hit print

Print Remotely #

You may wish to print something to a printer attached to your host computer. In that case, just choose the printer.

  1. In your application click Print (usually File > Print)
  2. Choose your remote printer, hit print

In-depth #

The MyQuickCloud printer is designed to make it easy to print to your local printers during your MyQuickCloud session. By creating a PDF of your print job you can be sure that the formatting stays the same and doesn’t get lost in the transfer from your host PC to your local printer.

If you are having any issues with printing, open a chat with our team and they’ll be happy to help.

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