How To Change or Reinstall a Computer

reading time: 2 minutes

Updated on July 20, 2023

You may need to change the computer everyone accesses or simply reinstall at any time, this can be done by following this guide:

Remove the existing computer #

Please Note: For this step, you need to be on the existing Computer.

  • In Windows Open the Control Panel by clicking the Start button and then clicking Control Panel. Alternatively, you can also search for Control Panel.
  • In the Control Panel, click on Programs, and then click on Programs and Features.
  • In the list of programs displayed, select MyQuickCloud Server and then click on Uninstall/Change

Add new computer #

Please Note: For this step, you need to be on the new computer.

  • Sign in to your MyQuickCloud account here:
  • Click the Computers icon from the dashboard.
  • Click Add New Computer.
  • Select the option Setup this computer for remote access, then click Continue… and then Start to begin.
  • The setup will then begin downloading the host installer (MQCServer-Setup.exe). Once the download is complete, open the installer to continue.
  • You may encounter a Windows User Account Control popup during setup, simply click Yes to continue.
  • There may be a brief pause while files are installed in the background, please don’t exit the web browser or switch of the computer during this time. As soon as it’s ready you will see the Setup Complete popup

Give Access to your new computer #

  • Sign in to your MyQuickCloud account here:
  • Click the Computers icon from the dashboard.
  • Select the new computer you want to allow access to.
  • Select Who has access to this computer? from the list of options.
  • Select the user you want to give access to from the list
  • Select the method of access you wish to grant. Click the Update button to finish

Now you have allowed access to the new computer, you and the selected users can connect by clicking the Connect icon from the dashboard

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