Opening QuickBooks for the first time in MyQuickCloud

reading time: 1 minute

Updated on May 23, 2022

Are you using MyDesktop to connect to an existing user on the host? #

If you are, you can ignore this step as you would have already opened your company files on your user desktop so the link will be the same. Just make sure it’s the correct file if you moved it in one of the previous steps by pressing the F2 key.

You can follow the steps below or if you prefer, you can watch the steps in the video at the bottom of the page.

Step 1 – Open QuickBooks through MyQuickCloud #

Open up MyQuickCloud and log in as the user you want to set up. You don’t need to do this on their remote computer, you can do it all from the host and then give your user the log in details all ready to go!

Next click the MyApplication or MyWorkspace link on your dashboard that you set up when you first set up MyQuickCloud.

Step 2 – Open your company file in QuickBooks #

Open up QuickBooks and click the ‘Open or restore an existing computer’ button. Next, navigate to your company file which will be in:

C:\Users\Public\Public Documents\Intuit\QuickBooks\Company Files

Important: Make sure you click the ‘Open in Multi-user mode’ check box at the bottom of the Open File window, otherwise QuickBooks will always open that file in single-user mode which may disrupt your workflow later if you have to switch it to multi-user manually each time.

Watch the steps in a video #

Turn your sound on to hear the instructions, or turn on the captions using the toolbar at the bottom of the video

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